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Death’s ground cover
In Development 

Death's Ground
on a 
True story

By David Adams
Chapter 1 
War Ready

The morning sun seeping through the blinds in Mateo's studio is a reminder that he has once again been working all night. This isn't out of the ordinary for him. Staying up night after night has begun to take its toll. He is years into this current occupation of this foreign land. Regardless, this night was worth it, even if he did not realize it yet. Mateo just finished recording his new song “Greatness,” he is proud of how far he's come in his music-producing journey. In addition to becoming a seasoned strategist and combat-tested warrior, he sees this accomplishment as just another victory in his long three-year war campaign. His music is the therapy to keep the soldier’s mind occupied in an attempt to avoid fighting his “Last War,” But war is all he has come to know. It is his practice to apply his experiences to a melody to pass the time. Forgotten why he began this Odyssey in the first place? The exhausted soldier honestly doesn't remember his said mission goal.


Mateo decides to take a much-needed break. Grabs his phone and a wad of Colombian Pesos. Throwing on a California Bear snapback, he’s headed to the bodega on the other side of the calle. Not something he puts much thought into risk-wise. Mateo has a reputation as a man who is always ready for battle, his head on a figurative swivel to his surroundings, looking out for potential threats. Anywhere he does not have control is enemy territory. Which, at this point, is anything outside of the two towers of his residence. A target on his back and the 18th floor are his reality. His physical-fitness routine consists of taking the stairs to stay in shape, and it also helps him evade any potential encounters with unwanted people or events. Mateo has been in South America for the last three years. The man that entered Bogota three years ago and the man that stands before you today is the same individual by no means or any stretch of the imagination. Mateo has been living on Death's Grounds for quite some time, growing eerily accustomed to it. He doesn't know who or what he is becoming, but he knows that the rest of the world doesn't understand his transformation. Mateo silently exits his 3rd world Luxury Apartment home, nodding at the security guards. He is well-known by Security - for better or worse. That being said, Mateo is no stranger to fostering and mediating fragile relations in his current role as a “One-man Army and Master of His War.”

Mateo glances over to his left as he passes through the lobby. A hauntingly familiar face stares back at him, but he can’t quite place it. “Como Se llama,” Frank asks in Spanish. The man furrows his brow before replying, “Mi nombre es Martín.” Mateo’s brain, although poorly rested and only aided by cocaine-induced insomnia. Suddenly has an explosion of verbal and emotional aggression. He switches to English, so no one in the lobby can understand his response to the man. “Nah Motherfucker, your name is Gèrman Naranajo! Three Years Ago, you stole 68 million pesos from me and willingly left your fate in the hands of destiny. I gave you my promise on that day. Made in blood. No matter the time or distance. My face, the face of no regrets, the face of justice’s scale, the face of death. It would be the last face you would see before you left this earth.” “Today is that promised day, mi amigo. Today all scales will be balanced, all checks paid in full, no unpaid debts further permitted, and no remaining balances.” “I have resided in Hell and battled with its inhabitants on a relentless non-conforming, non-forgiving, soul-altering journey to deliver the final terms of our non-negotiable contract. Welcome!” As he permits the man entrance into his underworld. During the encounter, building security did very little in response to the altercation in the lobby between Mateo and the Ghost from his past, maybe because they didn’t understand what was being said or maybe because Mateo had earned a reputation of a man not to be played with or challenged. The doorman tells Mateo, “You are a ‘Loco Gringo,’ continuing to explain in Spanish that even though he didn’t understand completely what was said. He understood that the man told Mateo his name was Martín. But his name is Gèrman, and he’s a guest of a resident in Tower 2. Mateo offers the doorman 500,000 pesos for the apartment number. Mateo knew this was one month's salary for the doorman. The information is exchanged as if he already knew it would be expected. Mateo immediately goes to meet with his Russian associate, that resides in the penthouse of his Tower 1. He then calmly reminds his associate of previous conversations between the two over the last year of their friendship. Without any unnecessary over-explanations and with a total lack of indignation of any version of Frank that landed in Bogota 3 years earlier. His Russian associate tells Mateo, “Don’t worry, comrade, this alliance we made on these hallowed grounds that death resides, where we have become so comfortable. It is the most honest homeland we will ever know.” Explaining that Mateo “must crush his enemy totally” because “Even a little tiny ember left unextinguished is more than enough to leave the forest ablaze,” the “Eastern European Don” advises Mateo. These things Mateo needed not explained to him; Law 15 was not to be taken lightly or hesitated upon.

Destiny had added the equation of thousands of miles of distance, years of patience, the random longitude and latitude positions, the division of the hundreds of thousands of possible scenarios, and the exponential liabilities and assets drained all for this moment. It correctly calculated all necessary variables for the moment of destiny. Only Mateo had the formula for this moment. For if Mateo was nothing other, he was hell-bent on balancing his “Lïbra” scales and, above all else, being a man of his word. Despite the blurring of the moral compass that governed the current battlefield, whether it be Guerrilla, Dirty, Economic, or Internal Warfare practices, Mateo was considered an expert in his solo campaign. He had endlessly prepared for this moment. It would be the culmination of all events, all his fears, all his regrets. If this was Goliath, he was David indeed. These last three years were his journey and his alone. For the price of a cheap throw rug and the loyalty of two of Colombia’s finest. That Mateo had bought and paid for over the last three years in bribes. The simple request of their employer was not driven by what was right or wrong but solely by the practices of the Art of War. Hardened and cold, Mateo had zero regrets, or fucks left to give, on the finality of his decision. It was later reported that two men were seen carrying what appeared to be a large throw rug out of the loading dock. At the same time, the building security cameras conveniently had a media codec error caused by a possible power outage, which was common in the city with one of the most significant wealth gaps in the world. 

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